Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm 20!

That ain't right?

who would let this happen? how can this be?
i'm supposed to permanently be 8 years old... or even 18... how did this happen?

anyways been having a pretty sweet birthday so far with the Shirley Temples and cheering up depressed grad students and allowing Sammy to finally give me a present and Rachel finding out that she's white and winning Joy's "Quote of the Day" for the 3rd time! (It was "Statisticians are more successful than Mathematicians ... but do they have SOUL?" and the other ones were "Sally's a whore." and "It wasn't snuggling! I was holding on to his arm to avoid the bumps!")

Anyways my time online is running out.
I'm awesome.
Happy Birthday to Me!



  1. yea i can't believe ure no longer a teen...someone asked the other day what grade you were in!! And I was like yeah she should permanently be in grade 5 or something
    Anyways I'm glad you had a fun birthday
