Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lasers for Eyes

So I finally went under the laser and it was awesome/scary....

they gave me Adavan (like Valium) and put me on this white moving table and anaesthetic drops in my eyes and held them open with a metal thing. I had to stare into this white halo into a green light and they did stuff under a machine. They then moved me under another machine where this doctor took a metal thing and cut 3 sides of a square into my eye and lifted up the flap and I couldn't see and I could hear the assistant be liek "0% 10% 20%.....100% complete!"
I was super uncomfortable for the rest of the day but it was all awesome.

So I was kind of dissappointed after when I realized that this procedure doesn't let me shoot lasers out of my eyes at things that piss me off....

Oh well, I guess I can't have it all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pour un instant

Pour un instant je n'avais pas la capacité de voire
Ça m'a permis d'apprécier la monde

okay enough of me being cheesy but that Harmonium song is awesomeee and you all know how i like to pirate songs and vandalize the lyrics etc....

Anyhoo, if I haven't whined to you about this yet, I am going for a consultation for laser eye surgery and so i was wandering aroudn blind for an entire week until I got glasses today which may be ugly but I don't care I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, it's so cliche to say this, but we really take vision for granted. People with even minor sight disabilities live in a different world. It really sucks to not be able to know what's going on, difficult to appreciate movies and then have everyone around you assume you can see so when you're staring at stuff trying to figure out what it is or trying to get a good look at some one and accidentally get all up in their grill, everyone thinks you're weird and eccentric and probably trying to steal something out of their store. GARGH

But it's all done (for now) so whatever.

Pour un instant, j'ai devenu un STAR
Ça m'a permis de devenir un figurant

haha, i was an extra for a security video... if anyone ever decided to come in and shoot up UQTR, I will know how to barricade myself in a classroom and pretend to look serious!
Remember all those security movies we've watched with the people with hair from the 70s??? well this movie is like that, but with people from now + me... meaning I'm totally going to be made fun off by the countless people who see this movie in the years to come.... awesome.

ben, c'est tout pour maintenant


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Alright, I guess it's about time I talk about EXPLORE.
I'm still having Redfish withdrawal but it's been 10 days already.
I've been having a lot of fun, the people here are super nice and it's interesting to have slow, almost juvenile conversations with everyone because they are in French.
My housemates are awesome and along with Mike (our honorary housemate) we have beaucoup de fun.
Oh yeah, I'm also un Tortue Ninja - Leonardo to be exact.
I love talking to the locals here although I've only gone out a couple of times - it's awesome because they use "what's your sign" as a pick up line here! it's gotten so out of fashion it's cool again or something hahah

I'm also taking a class thing on French songs and seeking guitar teachers - i've taught and wrote a couple more songs which has been tres ecoeurant!

The food here sucks except for today when I got to eat RATATOUILLE!! that was pretty awesome because of the movie

Les boys here aren't that bad looking either ;)

Anyways if you're reading this, you're probably someone I miss so drop me a line or call me (msg me for the number)

Love ya

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sally Sahore Redfish Love Song

Sally Saho
re Redfish Love Song Lyrics
Hey there little fishies
My heart is red with Love for you
We're here to show you
That our Love is true
ooh ooh
la la la la

Alla we Love your interpretive dance
So glad we had the chance
To part of your Redfish
ooh ooh
la la la la

Our resident raptor ninja Elaine
Your style and dance moves are INSANE
We love you and your
ooh ooh
la la la la

Heike you are so cute
You sing, write and love plants too
Don't change, please stay
ooh ooh
la la la la

Jessica our big sister party bear
With your red ginger spice hair
We like being in you
ooh ooh
la la la la

You fill my life with happiness Joy
Your laughter is a sound I enjoy
Bands, walks, pubs, you
ooh ooh
la la la la

Cutie patootie Kayleigh
We like to hear you sing daily
Keep that happy smile on your
ooh ooh
la la la la

Our sweet dishwasher Lara
I want to hug you like a bear-a
No need to be shy, you shine better than
ooh ooh
la la la la

Leah,, you may be missing in action
But I feel a great attraction
To your awesome chilled out
ooh ooh
la la la la

We made you a fan club because you're so Smarten
And super artistic with that
ooh ooh
la la la la

Max Max we gotta axe
How do you act so chillax
And by the way, who the hell is Pee-ter?
ooh ooh
la la la la

Rachel the revolutionary
Your death glare is so scary
And your sense of humour makes me
ooh ooh
la la la la

Rhoneil you'd do a better job
At writing this song with a dog
And a few bunnies hopping
ooh ooh
la la la la

Silly silly Salimah
You make me want to scream-a
And laugh really really
ooh ooh
la la la la

Samnishia you've got some style
You're enthusiam makes me smile
I really wanna hang out with you
ooh ooh
la la la la

Taryn our other mom
Toatally in charge and awesome
You really rock that
ooh ooh
la la la la

Trina we love your yoga
And so we give you this silent moment
ooh ooh
la la la la

Brenda our Nona Butterfly
Thuja Plicata is so fly
Because of you think plants are
ooh ooh
la la la la

Optimus Prime
Even though you're not answering
We know you're in there flourishing
Keep that focus, it's really really
ooh ooh
la la la la

Ruth, I want some watermelon
You're so grounded when we're chillen
Thanks for letting us be on your
ooh ooh
la la la la

Nadine we need you to facilitate
Our anxiety when we separate
You're the best Redfish leader of all time
ooh ooh
la la la la

Hey there little fishies
Our hearts are red with love for you
Hopefully, we have shown you
That our love is
oooh ooh
We Love You!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Talent Show Videos!

Talent and Non Talents Performed on June 25th, 2009

Rugby Lifts

Ryan's Song

Trina's Song

Chinese Rolls

Jess' Monkey

Ruth's Thermos Song

Marten and Salimah Chinese Dubbing Fight

Rhoneil's Song

Train to Nowhere

am Bananaphone

Trina Hoola Hoop

Spicy Interlude

Elaine Ninja


Leah Part of you World

Leah Irish Step dance

Marten and Salimah Fresh Prince Dance

James Prelude to Spit (Camera Dies)

Rhoneil's We Hid We Ran Song (Camera Dies)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Salimah the Bold

you heard me, I'm bold
we had an applied theater workshop today. it was awesome - a total role playing thing. apparently, I'm one of the 16 great Chiefs from across the land. I got my title from fighting a 3-headed monster.
Fear me.
obviously there was a lot more to the workshop and it was super super cool and was an analogy for the whole trip here and whatnot but i have work to do. I just thought you should know i'm bold

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Salimah A.D. (After Discovery Island)

First off, I have to say
Now that we have that out of the way, I can proceed to tell you about my trip:
Discovery Island is this gorgeous place and everything seems to be in HD colour. I fully enjoyed taking naps in the meadow which thoroughly refreshed me and wandering down pathways in to more beautiful woodlands containing arbutses and other gorgeous trees which seemed to come out of a Dr. Seuss book. We also got to go and rip out invasive species like Ivy. The power I felt sawing down an English Hawthorne tree was awesome.
The pit cook on the last night was the best meal I've ever had. You have never eaten food unless some of it is freshly harvest camas (which was awesome and rewarding to harvest) and all of it has been cooked on a bunch of red hot rocks covered by sword ferns and tarp and more vegetation and rocks and left to be steamed in that whole structure for 4 hours while you nap and wait for the food. We also had bannak (sp?) which is the best bread ever and hollowed out oranges filled with cake mix that uses orange juice instead of water and cooked in foil in the pit. I just ate and I'm hungry again from describing this feast!
In returning to "civilization" I got to ride in the front of an RCMP boat. It was, like the Zodiac, FUCKING AWESOME.
I'm at Pearson College now and I'll be here until the 26th. The memories are rushing back and I love it. However, I am sleepy so on that, note, I will bid you Adieu.